Poject list

Language Titles Domain
JAVA SVM-based Web Content Mining with Leaf Classification Unit from DOM-tree Data Mining
JAVA Mining frequent route patterns based on personal trajectory abstraction Data Mining
JAVA A Proactive Workflow Model for Healthcare Operation and Management Data Mining
JAVA A Pre-Authentication Approach to Proxy Re-encryption in Big Data Context Cloud Computing
JAVA Experimental Study Of Time Series-based Dataset Selection  For Effective Text Classification Data Mining
JAVA Security-Aware Resource Allocation for Mobile Social Big Data: A Matching Coalitional Game Solution Big Data
JAVA Efficient Distance-Aware Influence Maximization in Geo-Social Networks Data Mining
JAVA Dynamic Multi-Tenant Coordination for Sustainable Colocation Data Centers Cloud Computing
JAVA Revocable Identity-Based Access Control for Big Data with Verifiable Outsourced Computing Big Data
JAVA Large-Scale Multi-Modality Attribute Reduction with Multi-Kernel Fuzzy Rough Sets Data Mining
JAVA Towards Secure Data Distribution Systems in Mobile Cloud Computing Mobile Computing
JAVA Minimum-Cost Cloud Storage Service across Multiple Cloud Providers Cloud Computing
JAVA An Efficient and Fine-Grained Big Data Access Control Scheme With Privacy-Preserving Policy Big Data
JAVA HDM:A Compostable Framework for Big Data Processing Big Data
JAVA Performance Modeling for Multipath Mobile Data Offloading in Cellular/Wi-Fi Networks Networking
JAVA A robust reputation management mechanism in the federated cloud Cloud Computing
JAVA Cost-Efficient Tasks and Data Co-Scheduling with Afford Hadoop Cloud Computing
JAVA Dip-SVM : Distribution Preserving KernelSupport Vector Machine for Big Data Big Data
JAVA Optimizing Cloud-Service Performance: Efficient Resource Provisioning via Optimal Workload Allocation Cloud Computing
JAVA Multireceiver Predicate Encryption for Online Social Networks Networking
JAVA MapReduce Scheduling for Deadline-Constrained Jobs in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Systems Cloud Computing
JAVA A Secure and Verifiable Access Control Scheme for Big Data Storage in Cloud Big Data
JAVA Practical Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Retrieval in Cloud Image Repositories Cloud Computing
JAVA Secure and Efficient Attribute-Based Access Control for Multiauthority Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
JAVA Heterogeneous Data Storage Management with Deduplication in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA Attribute-Based Storage Supporting Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data in Cloud Cloud Computing
JAVA Securing Cloud Data Under Key Exposure Cloud Computing
JAVA Fuzzy Identity-Based Data Integrity Auditing for Reliable Cloud Storage Systems Dependable Secure Computing
JAVA RAAC: Robust and Auditable Access Control With Multiple Attribute Authorities for Public Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
JAVA NPP:A New Privacy-Aware Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud Data Sharing with Group Users Cloud Computing
JAVA PPHOPCM: Privacy-preserving High-order Possibilistic c-Means Algorithm for Big Data Clustering with Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA A Collaborative Key Management Protocol in Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption for Cloud Data Sharing Cloud Computing
JAVA Efficient kNN Classification With Different Numbers of Nearest Neighbors Data Mining
JAVA Publicly Verifiable Boolean Query over Outsourced Encrypted Data Cloud Computing
JAVA Robot Assistant in Management of Diabetes in Children Based on the Internet of Things Internet of Things
JAVA Statistically Indifferent Quality Variation: An Approach for Reducing Multimedia Distribution Cost for Adaptive Video Streaming Services Cloud Computing
JAVA Anomaly Detection for Road Traffic: A Visual Analytics Framework Data Mining
JAVA Efficient Privacy-Aware Authentication Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing Services Cloud Computing
JAVA Visualizing Rank Time Series of Wikipedia Top-Viewed Pages Data Mining
JAVA Game Theory Based Correlated Privacy Preserving Analysis in Big Data Big Data
JAVA Durable and Energy Efficient In-Memory Frequent Pattern Mining Data Mining
JAVA A Feature Selection and Classification Algorithm Based on Randomized Extraction of Model Populations Data Mining
JAVA Secure and Efficient Protocol for Route Optimization in PMIPv6-based Smart Home IOT Networks Internet of Things
JAVA Collaborative Filtering Service Recommendation Based on a Novel Similarity Computation Method Data Mining
JAVA A New Methodology for Mining Frequent Itemsets on Temporal Data Data Mining
JAVA A Collaborative DDoS Defence Framework using Network Function Virtualization Networking
JAVA Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data Cloud Computing
JAVA Secure k-NN Query on Encrypted Cloud Data with Multiple Keys Cloud Computing
JAVA Secure Authentication in Cloud Big Data with Hierarchical Attribute Authorization Structure Big Data
JAVA RAPARE: A Generic Strategy for Cold-Start Rating Prediction Problem Data Mining
JAVA Analyzing Sentiments in One Go: A Supervised Joint Topic Modeling Approach Data Mining
JAVA System to Recommend the Best Place to Live Based on Wellness State of the User Employing Big Data
JAVA Privacy-Preserving Data Encryption Strategy for Big Data in Mobile Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA Online Allocation of Virtual Machines in a Distributed Cloud Networking
JAVA Efficient Top-k Dominating Computation on Massive Data Big Data
JAVA Big Data Based Security Analytics for Protecting Virtualized Infrastructures in Cloud Computing Big Data
JAVA Disease Prediction by Machine Learning over Big Data from Healthcare Communities Big Data
JAVA A Novel Internet of Things-centric Framework to Mine Malicious Frequent Patterns Internet of Things
JAVA Machine Learning with Big Data: Challenges and Approaches Big Data
JAVA EHAUPM: Efficient High Average-Utility Pattern Mining with Tighter Upper-Bounds Data Mining
JAVA Analyzing Healthcare Big Data with Predictionfor Future Health Condition Big Data
JAVA Repair Tree: Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure-Coded Distributed Storage Systems Cloud Computing
JAVA User Vitality Ranking and Prediction in Social Networking Services: a Dynamic Network Perspective Data Mining
JAVA A Hybrid Intelligent System for Risk Assessment based on Unstructured Data Data Mining
JAVA A Context-aware Service Evaluation Approach over Big Data for Cloud Applications Cloud Computing
JAVA Analysis of users behaviour in structured e-commerce websites Data Mining
JAVA Robust Big Data Analytics for Electricity Price Forecasting in the Smart Grid Big Data
JAVA GDVAN: A New Greedy Behavior Attack Detection Algorithm For VANETs Networking
JAVA Efficient Keyword-Aware RepresentativeTravel Route Recommendation Data Mining
JAVA Dengue Disease Prediction Using Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine Data Mining
JAVA iShuffle: Improving Hadoop Performance with Shuffle-on-Write Big Data
JAVA Supervised and Unsupervised Aspect Category Detection for Sentiment Analysis With Co-Occurrence Data Data Mining
JAVA Optimizing Share Size in Efficient and Robust Secret Sharing Scheme Big Data
JAVA Privacy protection based access control scheme in cloud-based services Cloud Computing
JAVA Quality of Service Oriented Access Point Selection Framework for Large Wi-Fi Networking
JAVA Mobile Cloud-Based Big Healthcare Data Processing in Smart Cities Internet of Things
JAVA Efficient and Private Scoring of Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines and Logistic Regression Models based on Pre-Computation Dependable Secure Computing
JAVA STAR: SLA-Aware Autonomic Management of Cloud Resources Cloud Computing
JAVA Cost-effective Resource Provisioning for MapReduce in a Cloud Cloud Computing
JAVA Customer-Satisfaction-Aware Optimal Multiserver Configuration for Profit Maximization in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA Rethinking Security in the Era of Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA Survey on classification and detection of plant leaf disease in agriculture environment Data Mining
JAVA FastGeo: Efficient Geometric Range Queries on Encrypted Spatial Data Dependable Secure Computing
JAVA Cryptographic Solutions for Credibility and Liability Issues of Genomic Data Dependable Secure Computing
JAVA Modeling the Evolution of Users’ Preferences and Social Links in Social Networ king Ser vices Data Mining
JAVA Enhancing Mobile Networks With Software Defined Networking and Cloud Computing Networking
JAVA Towards Long-View Computing Load Balancing in Cluster Storage Systems Parallel and Distributed System
JAVA Big data privacy in Biomedical research Big Data
JAVA Aggregated Packet Transmission in Duty-Cycled WSNs: Modeling and Performance Evaluation Networking
JAVA Privacy-Preserving Aggregate Queries for Optimal Location Selection Dependable Secure Computing
JAVA Securing Cloud Data Under Key Exposure Cloud Computing
JAVA Finding Related Forum Posts through Content Similarity over Intention-based Segmentation Data Mining
JAVA Practical Privacy-Preserving MapReduce Based K-means Clustering over Large-scale Dataset Cloud Computing
JAVA Context-Aware Verifiable Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA Energy-Efficient Virtual Resource Dynamic Integration Method in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA Mining Human Activity Patterns From Smart Home Big Data for Health Care Applications Big Data
JAVA Large-scale Location Prediction for Web Pages Data Mining
JAVA A Hybrid Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Scheduling and Resource Management in Cloud Environment Cloud Computing
JAVA Multi-view Unsupervised Feature Selection with Adaptive Similarity and View Weight Data Mining
JAVA STaRS: Simulating Taxi Ride Sharing at Scale Big Data
JAVA QoS Recommendation in Cloud Services Cloud Computing
JAVA Uncertain Data Clustering in Distributed Peer-to-Peer Networks Networking
JAVA Credit Card Fraud Detection: A Realistic Modeling and a Novel Learning Strategy Data Mining
JAVA Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Equality Test in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA Toward Practical Privacy-Preserving Frequent Itemset Mining on Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud Computing
JAVA An Adaptive and Fuzzy Resource Management Approach in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA Earthquake Prediction based on Spatio-Temporal Data Mining: An LSTM Network Approach Data Mining
JAVA A SDN-based QoS Guaranteed Technique for Cloud Applications Networking
JAVA Modeling Urban Behavior by Mining Geotagged Social Data Big Data
JAVA Multi-Owner Keyword Search over Shared Data  without Secure Channels in the Cloud Cloud Computing
JAVA VOD-ADAC: Anonymous Distributed Fine-Grained Access Control Protocol with Verifiable Outsourced Decryption in Public Cloud Cloud Computing
JAVA Privacy-Preserving Selective Aggregation of Online User Behavior Data Cloud Computing
JAVA Energy Optimization With Dynamic Task Scheduling Mobile Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA Energy-Aware Load Balancing and Application Scaling for the Cloud Ecosystem Cloud Computing
JAVA Apriori Versions Based on MapReduce for Mining Frequent Patterns on Big Data Big Data
JAVA Managing Big data using Hadoop Map Reduce in Telecom Domain Big Data
JAVA Achieving Efficient and Secure DataAcquisition for Cloud-supported Internet of Things in Smart Grid Internet of Things
JAVA Flexible Data Access Control based on Trust and Reputation in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA ATOM: Efficient Tracking, Monitoring, and Orchestration of Cloud Resources Parallel and Distributed System
JAVA Wind Turbine Accidents: A Data Mining Study Data Mining
JAVA Discovery and Clinical Decision Support for Personalized Healthcare Data Mining
JAVA Data Mining and Analytics in the Process Industry: The Role of Machine Learning Data Mining
JAVA A Pareto-based Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Assignment of VM Requests on a Cloud Brokering Environment Cloud Computing
JAVA A Security Model for Preserving the Privacy of Medical Big Data in a Healthcare Cloud Using a Fog Computing Facility with Pairing-Based Cryptography Big Data
JAVA An Efficient Parallel Method for Mining Frequent Closed Sequential Patterns Data Mining
JAVA Real-Time Signal Quality-Aware ECG Telemetry System for IoT-Based Health Care Monitoring Internet of Things
JAVA Target-Based, Privacy Preserving, and Incremental Association Rule Mining Data Mining
JAVA Attribute Couplet Attacks and Privacy Preservation in Social Networks Networking
JAVA ACID: association correction for imbalanced data in GWAS Data Mining
JAVA Complementary Aspect-based Opinion Mining Data Mining
JAVA Achieving Secure and Efficient Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption over Medical Cloud Data Cloud Computing
JAVA Power Consumption-Aware Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Data Center Cloud Computing
JAVA Event Detection and User Interest Discovering in Social Media Data Streams Data Mining
JAVA Sports Management system Cloud Computing
JAVA Detecting Stress Based on Social Interactions in Social Networks Data Mining
JAVA Mining Coherent Topics with Pre-learned Interest Data Mining
JAVA Energy-Efficient Many-Objective Virtual Machine Placement Optimization in a Cloud Computing Environment Cloud Computing
JAVA Time saving protocol for data accessing in cloud computing Cloud Computing
JAVA A Novel Continuous Blood Pressure Estimation Approach Based on Data M ining Techniques Data Mining
JAVA HappyMeter: An Automated System for Real-Time Twitter Sentiment Analysis Data Mining
JAVA Verifiable and Exculpable Outsourced Attribute-Based Encryption for Access Control in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
JAVA Optimized Resource Allo cation On Hybrid Cloud Network For Big Data Applications Using Statistical Analysis Cloud Computing
JAVA Stochastic Resource Provisioning for Containerized Multi-Tier Web Services in Clouds Parallel and Distributed System
JAVA Mutual Privacy Preservingk-Means Clustering in Social Participatory Sensing Big Data
JAVA Joint Optimal Pricing and Task Scheduling in Mobile Cloud Computing Systems Cloud Computing
JAVA Distantly Supervised Lifelong Learning for Large-Scale Social Media Sentiment Analysis Data Mining
JAVA An Analysis of  Healthcare Monitoring Environment Using Elliptic Cloud Computing
JAVA An Efficient QoS Support for Ubiquitous Networks Networking
JAVA Efficient High Utility Pattern Mining for Establishing Manufacturing Plans with Sliding Window Control Data Mining
JAVA Live VM Mig ra tion Under Time-Constraints in Share-Nothing IaaS-Clouds Cloud Computing
Language/ Titles Domain
Matlab A Region-Wised Medium Transmission Based Image De-hazing Method Digital Image Processing
Matlab Deep Representation-Based Feature Extraction and Recovering for Finger-Vein Verification Digital Image Processing
Matlab Affine Non-Local Means Image Denoising Digital Image Processing
Matlab Fast Bilateral Filtering for Denoising Large 3D Images Digital Image Processing
Matlab Fast Multiregion Image Segmentation Using Statistical Active Contours Digital Image Processing
Matlab Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Small Sample Sizes Digital Image Processing
Matlab Low-PAPR Spatial Modulation for SC-FDMA Wireless Communication
Matlab Ship Detection From Optical Satellite Images Based on Saliency Segmentation and Structure-LBP Feature Digital Image Processing
Matlab Space Codes for MIMO Optical Wireless Communications: Error Performance Criterion and Code Construction Wireless Communication
Matlab Driver Fatigue Classification With Independent Component by Entropy Rate Bound Minimization Analysis in an EEG-Based System Signal Processing
Matlab Melanoma Is Skin Deep: A 3D Reconstruction Technique for Computerized Dermoscopic Skin Lesion Classification Digital Image Processing
Matlab An Efficient Precoder Design for Multiuser MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks With Interference Constraints Wireless Communication
Matlab A Multi-Classifier System for Automatic Mitosis Detection in Breast Histopathology Images Using Deep Belief Networks Digital Image Processing
Matlab Design Space–Time Trellis-Coded Intercarrier Interference Parallel Cancelation Wireless Communication
Matlab Random Walk Graph Laplacian-Based Smoothness Prior for Soft Decoding of JPEG Images Digital Image Processing
Matlab Image Fusion Using Quaternion Wavelet Transform and Multiple Features Digital Image Processing
Matlab Scene Text Detection and Segmentation Based on Cascaded Convolution Neural Networks Digital Image Processing
Matlab Learning Short Binary Codes for Large-scale Image Retrieval Digital Image Processing
Matlab Automated Diagnosis of Epilepsy using Keypoint Based Local Binary Pattern of EEG Signals Signal Processing
Matlab Learning Bases of Activity for Facial Expression Recognition Digital Image Processing
Matlab Learning Spatio-Temporal Information for Multi-Object Tracking Digital Image Processing
Matlab A Robust and Efficient Approach to License Plate Detection Digital Image Processing
Matlab Illumination-Invariant Background Subtraction: Comparative Review, Models, and Prospects Digital Image Processing
Matlab A Novel Color Image Encryption Scheme Using Rectangular Transform-Enhanced Chaotic Tent Maps Digital Image Processing
Matlab Learning Discriminative Binary Codes for Large-scale Cross-modal Retrieval Digital Image Processing
Matlab Coverage Performance of Joint Transmission for Moving Relay Enabled Cellular Networks in Dense Urban Scenarios Wireless Communication
Matlab Fast Optic Disc Segmentation inRetina Using Polar Transform Digital Image Processing
Matlab Soft Biometrics: Globally Coherent Solutions for Hair Segmentation and Style Recognition Based on Hierarchical MRFs Digital Image Processing
Matlab Generalized 3-D Constellation Design for Spatial Modulation Wireless Communication
Matlab Weighted Level Set Evolution Based on Local Edge Features for Medical Image Segmentation Digital Image Processing
Matlab Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation With Probabilistic Segmentation of the Fissures and a Group wise Fissure Prior Digital Image Processing
Matlab Video Saliency Detection via Spatial-Temporal Fusion and Low-rank Coherency Diffusion Digital Image Processing
Matlab Medical Image Fusion and Denoising with Alternating Sequential Filter and Adaptive Fractional Order Total Variation Digital Image Processing
Matlab Salient Object Segmentation via Effective Integration of Saliency and Objectness Digital Image Processing
Matlab Independent Vector Analysis Applied to Remove Muscle Artifacts in EEG Data Digital Image Processing
Matlab Real-Time Classification of Healthy and Apnea Subjects using ECG Signals with Variational Mode Decomposition Signal Processing
Matlab Contrast Enhancement Based on Intrinsic Image Decomposition Digital Image Processing
Matlab Life-Threatening Ventricular Arrhythmia Detection With Personalized Features Digital Image Processing
Matlab Ocular Recognition for Blinking Eyes Digital Image Processing
Matlab Achieving Ultra Reliable Communication in 5G Networks: A Dependability Perspective Availability Analysis in the Space Domain Wireless Communication
Matlab Image Reshaping for Efficient Compression of Plenoptic Content Digital Image Processing
Matlab Automatic Detection of Exudates in Digital Color Fundus Images Using Superpixel Digital Image Processing
Matlab Photo-to-Sketch Transformation in a Complex Background Digital Image Processing
Matlab Local Directional Ternary Pattern for Facial Expression Recognition Digital Image Processing
Matlab Learning-based Shadow Recognition and Removal from Monochromatic Natural Images Digital Image Processing
Matlab Max-Min Fair Resource Allocation for SWIPT in Multi-Group Multicast OFDM Systems Wireless Communication
Matlab Learning Efficient Binary Codes from High-level Feature representations for Multi-Label Image Retrieval Digital Image Processing
Matlab An Efficient and Clinical-Oriented 3D Liver Segmentation Method Digital Image Processing
Matlab Heterogeneous Manifold Ranking for Image Retrieval Digital Image Processing
Matlab Saliency-based Lesion Segmentation via Background Detection in Dermoscopic Images Digital Image Processing
Matlab Physical Layer Security in Ultra-Dense Networks Wireless Communication
Language Titles Domain
Android Automobile Spare Shop Android
Android SuperMarket Control System Android
Android My Memoir (Android App) Android
Android Travel Guide(Android App) Android
Android Vehicle Service Remainder Android
Android Enthusiastic Tale Reader Android
Android Pay EB bill (Android app) Android
Android Civil Registry (Android App) Android
Android Identifying Leaf Disease with the Comparison of Local Server in Android Android
Language Titles Domain
Dot Net Cluster-Aware Virtual Machine Collaborative Migration in Media Cloud Cloud Computing
Dot Net A Novel Efficient Remote Data Possession Checking Protocol in Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
Dot Net Sentiment Analyis of Indian Movie Review with Various Feature Selection Techniques Data Mining
Dot Net Efficient Distance-Aware Influence Maximization in Geo-Social Networks Data Mining
Dot Net Finding related forum posts through context similarity over intention based segmentation Data Mining
Dot Net User-Centric Similarity Search Data Mining
Dot Net Multi receiver Predicate Encryption For OnlineSocial Networks Cloud Computing
Dot Net Optimizing Cloud-Service Performance: Efficient Resource Provisioning via Optimal Workload Allocation Cloud Computing
Dot Net Bilevel Feature Extraction-Based Text Mining for Fault Diagnosis of Railway Systems Data Mining
Dot Net Large-Scale Multi-Modality Attribute Reduction with Multi-Kernel Fuzzy Rough Sets Data Mining
Dot Net Practical Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Retrieval in Cloud Image Repositories Cloud Computing
Dot Net RAAC: Robust and Auditable Access Control With Multiple Attribute Authorities for Public Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
Dot Net Engagement dynamics and sensitivity analysis of YouTube videos Cloud Computing
Dot Net Card based Security Access System Application Project
Dot Net Attribute-Based Storage Supporting Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data in Cloud Cloud Computing
Dot Net Repair Tree: Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure-coded Distributed Storage Systems Parallel and Distributed System
Dot Net STAR: SLA-aware Autonomic Management of Cloud Resources Cloud Computing
Dot Net Visualizing Rank Time Series of Wikipedia Top-Viewed Pages Data Mining
Dot Net Anomaly Detection for Road Traffic: A Visual Analytics Framework Data Mining
Dot Net Privacy-Preserving Aggregate Queries for Optimal Location Selection Cloud Computing
Dot Net Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data Cloud Computing
Dot Net Context aware verifiable cloud computing Cloud Computing
Dot Net Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Equality Test in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
Dot Net Modeling the Evolution of Users’ Preferences and Social Links in Social Networking Services Data Mining
Dot Net Efficient Clue-Based Route Search on Road Networks Data Mining
Dot Net Customer-Satisfaction-Aware Optimal Multiserver Configuration for Profit Maximization in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
Dot Net Strong Key-Exposure Resilient Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
Dot Net Modeling Urban Behavior by  Mining Geotagged Social Data Data Mining
Dot Net Multi-Owner Keyword Search over Shared Data without Secure Channels in the Cloud Cloud Computing
Dot Net A Load Balancing and Multi-tenancy Oriented Data Center Virtualization Framework Parallel and Distributed System
Dot Net Cryptographic Solutions for Credibility and Liability Issues of Genomic Data Cloud Computing
Dot Net Achieving Secure and Efficient Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption over Medical Cloud Data Cloud Computing
Dot Net A Collaborative DDoS Defence Framework using Network Function Virtualization Networking
Dot Net Shadow Attacks based on Password Reuses: A Quantitative Empirical Analysis Dependable Secure Computing
Dot Net Stochastic Resource Provisioning for Containerized Multi-Tier Web Services in Clouds Parallel and Distributed System
Dot Net Collaborative Filtering-Based Recommendation of Online Social Voting Data Mining
Dot Net Wormhole: The Hidden Virus Propagation Power of a Search Engine in Social Networks Dependable Secure Computing
Dot Net Block Design-based Key Agreement for Group Data Sharing in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
Dot Net Providing User Security Guarantees in Public Infrastructure Clouds Cloud Computing
Language Titles Domain
ASP .Net Airticket Booking System Application Project
ASP .Net Tour Maintenance System Application Project
ASP .Net Keyword Search over Distributed Graphs With compressed Signature Data Mining
ASP .Net SMS based Student & Parent Intimation Application Project
ASP .Net Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data Cloud Computing
ASP .Net Provably Secure Key-Aggregate Cryptosystems with Broadcast Aggregate Keys for Online Data Sharing on the Cloud Cloud Computing
ASP .Net Detecting Stress Based on Social Interactions in Social Networks Data Mining
ASP .Net Continuous Top-k Monitoring on Document Streams Data Mining
ASP .Net NPP:A New Privacy-Aware Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud Data Sharing with Group Users Cloud Computing
Language Titles Domain
VLSI High-Throughput Area-Efficient Processor for Cryptography VLSI
VLSI A CMOS Ultra wideband Pulse Generator for 3–5 GHz Applications VLSI
VLSI A Power-Efficient Reconfigurable Output-Capacitor-Less Low-Drop-Out Regulator for Low-Power Analog Sensing Front-End VLSI
VLSI Analysis and Design of the Classical CMOSSchmitt Trigger in Subthreshold Operation VLSI
VLSI 28-nm Latch-Type Sense Amplifier Modification for Coupling Suppression VLSI
VLSI Low-Computing-Load, High-Parallelism Detection ethod based on Chebyshev Iteration for Massive MIMO Systems with VLSI Architecture VLSI
VLSI Novel Radiation-Hardened-by-Design (RHBD)12T Memory Cell for Aerospace Applicationsin Nanoscale CMOS Technology VLSI
VLSI VLSI Implementation of a Cost-Efficient Micro Control Unit With an Asymmetric Encryption for Wireless Body Sensor Networks VLSI
VLSI Ultra-Low Power, Highly Reliable, and Nonvolatile Hybrid MTJ/CMOS Based Full-Adder for Future VLSI Design VLSI
VLSI Reliability Enhancement of Low-Power Sequential Circuits Using Reconfigurable Pulsed Latches VLSI
VLSI Area and Energy-Efficient Complementary Dual-Modular Redundancy Dynamic Memory for Space Applications VLSI
VLSI Dual-Quality 4:2 Compressors for Utilizing inDynamic Accuracy Configurable Multipliers VLSI
VLSI Intelligent FPGA Data Acquisition Framework VLSI
VLSI Design of Power and Area Efficient Approximate Multipliers VLSI
VLSI RoBA Multiplier: A Rounding-Based Approximate Multiplier for High-Speed yet Energy-Efficient Digital Signal Processing VLSI
VLSI A Compact-Area Low-VDDmin 6T SRAM With Improvement in Cell Stability, Read Speed, and Write Margin Using a Dual-Split-Control-Assist Scheme VLSI
VLSI Stable, Reliable and Bit-Interleaving 12T SRAM forSpace Applications: A Device Circuit Co-design VLSI
VLSI Pre-Charged Local Bit-Line Sharing SRAM Architecture for Near-Threshold Operation
Language: CMOS Design
VLSI 10T SRAM Using Half-VDD Precharge and Row-Wise Dynamically Powered Read Port for Low Switching Power and Ultralow RBL Leakage VLSI
VLSI Content Addressable Memory—Early Predict and Terminate Precharge of Match-Line VLSI
VLSI Modeling and Mitigation of Static Noise Margin Variation in Subthreshold SRAM Cells VLSI
VLSI An Efficient Reverse Converter for the Three-Moduli Set (2n+1-1,2n,2n-1) VLSI
VLSI Designing RF Ring Oscillator using Current-mode Technology VLSI
VLSI A Low-Energy Machine-Learning Classifier Based on Clocked Comparators for Direct Inference on Analog Sensors VLSI
VLSI A 32 kb 0.35–1.2 V, 50 MHz–2.5 GHz Bit-Interleaved SRAM With 8 T SRAM Cell and Data Dependent Write Assist in 28-nm UTBB-FDSOI CMOS VLSI
VLSI Single-Event Performance of Sense-Amplifier Based Flip-Flop Design in a 16-nm Bulk FinFET CMOS Process VLSI
VLSI Design of Approximate Radix-4 Booth Multipliers for ErrorTolerant Computing VLSI
VLSI Design of Low-Voltage High-Speed CML D-Latches in Nanometer CMOS Technologies VLSI
Language Titles Domain
Power Electronics High-Performance Quasi-Z-Source Series Resonant DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic Module Level Power Electronics Applications Power Electronics
Power Electronics A Current Control Scheme of Brushless DC Motors Driven by Four-Switch Three-Phase Inverters Power Electronics
Power Electronics Three-Phase Three-Level Flying Capacitors Split-Source Inverters: Analysis and Modulation Power Electronics
Power Electronics A Novel ZVS DC-DC Full-Bridge Converter with Hold-Up Time Operation Power Electronics
Power Electronics A Modular Multilevel DC-DC Converter Topology with a Wide Range of Output Voltage Power Electronics
Power Electronics Single-Phase Inverter with Energy Buffer and DC-DC Conversion Circuits Power Electronics
Power Electronics Non-linear Distortion Cancellation and Symbol-based Equalization in Satellite Forward Links Power Electronics
Power Electronics A Performance Investigation of a Four-Switch Three-Phase Inverter-Fed IM Drives at Low Speeds Using Fuzzy Logic and PI Controllers Power Electronics
Power Electronics Modeling and Resonance Control of Modular Three-Level Shunt Active Power Filter Power Electronics
Power Electronics Adaptive Current-Mode Control of a High Step-Up DC-DC Converter Power Electronics
Power Electronics A Highly Reliable and High-Efficiency Quasi Single-Stage Buck–Boost Inverter Power Electronics
Power Electronics Dual-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter With Fixed-Frequency PWM Control for Wide Input Applications Power Electronics
Power Electronics Switching Frequency Dynamic Control for DFIG Wind Turbine Performance Improvement Around Synchronous Speed Power Electronics
Power Electronics A Coordinated Control Approach for DC link and Rotor Crowbars to Improve Fault Ride-Through of DFIG-Based Wind Turbine Power Electronics
Power Electronics A Dual Series-Resonant DC-DC Converter Power Electronics
Power Electronics DC-Link Capacitor Current Ripple Reduction in DPWM based Back-to-back Converters Power Electronics
Power Electronics Nonisolated Wide Operation Range Three-Port Converters With Variable Structures Power Electronics
Power Electronics Frequency Control of DFIG based Wind Power Penetrated Power Systems Using Switching Angle Controller and AGC Power Electronics
Power Electronics A Dual Active Bridge Based Single Phase AC to DC Power Electronic Transformer With Advanced Features Power Electronics
Power Electronics A New Single-Phase Switched-Coupled-Inductor DC-AC Inverter for Photovoltaic Systems Power Electronics
Power Electronics Fully-Digital Blind Compensation of Non-Linear Distortions in Wideband Receivers Power Electronics
Power Electronics A Three Level LC-Switching Based Voltage Boost NPC Inverter Power Electronics
Language Titles Domain
PHP Monitoring a Payment of College Fees System Application Project
PHP Institute board Organisation Application Project
PHP E-Voting System Application Project
Language Titles Domain
Ns2 Securing the Backpressure Algorithm for Wireless Networks Mobile Computing
Ns2 ASRQ: Automatic Segment Repeat Request for IEEE 802.15.4-Based WBAN Mobile Computing
Ns2 A Secure and Efficient ID-Based Aggregate Signature Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Sensor Network
Ns2 Research on Trust Sensing Based Secure Routing Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network Wireless Sensor Network
Ns2 Delay Analysis of Physical-Layer Key Generation in Dynamic Roadside-to-Vehicle Networks Wireless Sensor Network
Ns2 Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Using the Fitness Function Mobile Computing
Ns2 Trust Management for Vehicular Networks:An Adversary-Oriented Overview Wireless Sensor Network
Ns2 Secure Signature-Based Authenticated Key Establishment Scheme for Future IoT Applications Wireless Sensor Network
Ns2 A Hybrid Approach for Efficient Privacy-Preserving Authentication in VANET Wireless Sensor Network
Ns2 Capacity allocation mechanism based on differentiated QoS in 60 GHz radio-over- fiber local access network Wireless Sensor Network
Ns2 Balanced Energy Consumption Based Adaptive Routing for IoT Enabling Underwater WSNs Wireless Sensor Network
Ns2 SecureMAC: Securing Wireless Medium Access Control Against Insider Denial-of-Service Attacks Wireless Sensor Network