Poject list
Language | Titles | Domain |
JAVA | SVM-based Web Content Mining with Leaf Classification Unit from DOM-tree | Data Mining |
JAVA | Mining frequent route patterns based on personal trajectory abstraction | Data Mining |
JAVA | A Proactive Workflow Model for Healthcare Operation and Management | Data Mining |
JAVA | A Pre-Authentication Approach to Proxy Re-encryption in Big Data Context | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Experimental Study Of Time Series-based Dataset Selection For Effective Text Classification | Data Mining |
JAVA | Security-Aware Resource Allocation for Mobile Social Big Data: A Matching Coalitional Game Solution | Big Data |
JAVA | Efficient Distance-Aware Influence Maximization in Geo-Social Networks | Data Mining |
JAVA | Dynamic Multi-Tenant Coordination for Sustainable Colocation Data Centers | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Revocable Identity-Based Access Control for Big Data with Verifiable Outsourced Computing | Big Data |
JAVA | Large-Scale Multi-Modality Attribute Reduction with Multi-Kernel Fuzzy Rough Sets | Data Mining |
JAVA | Towards Secure Data Distribution Systems in Mobile Cloud Computing | Mobile Computing |
JAVA | Minimum-Cost Cloud Storage Service across Multiple Cloud Providers | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | An Efficient and Fine-Grained Big Data Access Control Scheme With Privacy-Preserving Policy | Big Data |
JAVA | HDM:A Compostable Framework for Big Data Processing | Big Data |
JAVA | Performance Modeling for Multipath Mobile Data Offloading in Cellular/Wi-Fi Networks | Networking |
JAVA | A robust reputation management mechanism in the federated cloud | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Cost-Efficient Tasks and Data Co-Scheduling with Afford Hadoop | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Dip-SVM : Distribution Preserving KernelSupport Vector Machine for Big Data | Big Data |
JAVA | Optimizing Cloud-Service Performance: Efficient Resource Provisioning via Optimal Workload Allocation | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Multireceiver Predicate Encryption for Online Social Networks | Networking |
JAVA | MapReduce Scheduling for Deadline-Constrained Jobs in Heterogeneous Cloud Computing Systems | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | A Secure and Verifiable Access Control Scheme for Big Data Storage in Cloud | Big Data |
JAVA | Practical Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Retrieval in Cloud Image Repositories | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Secure and Efficient Attribute-Based Access Control for Multiauthority Cloud Storage | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Heterogeneous Data Storage Management with Deduplication in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Attribute-Based Storage Supporting Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data in Cloud | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Securing Cloud Data Under Key Exposure | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Fuzzy Identity-Based Data Integrity Auditing for Reliable Cloud Storage Systems | Dependable Secure Computing |
JAVA | RAAC: Robust and Auditable Access Control With Multiple Attribute Authorities for Public Cloud Storage | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | NPP:A New Privacy-Aware Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud Data Sharing with Group Users | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | PPHOPCM: Privacy-preserving High-order Possibilistic c-Means Algorithm for Big Data Clustering with Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | A Collaborative Key Management Protocol in Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption for Cloud Data Sharing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Efficient kNN Classification With Different Numbers of Nearest Neighbors | Data Mining |
JAVA | Publicly Verifiable Boolean Query over Outsourced Encrypted Data | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Robot Assistant in Management of Diabetes in Children Based on the Internet of Things | Internet of Things |
JAVA | Statistically Indifferent Quality Variation: An Approach for Reducing Multimedia Distribution Cost for Adaptive Video Streaming Services | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Anomaly Detection for Road Traffic: A Visual Analytics Framework | Data Mining |
JAVA | Efficient Privacy-Aware Authentication Scheme for Mobile Cloud Computing Services | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Visualizing Rank Time Series of Wikipedia Top-Viewed Pages | Data Mining |
JAVA | Game Theory Based Correlated Privacy Preserving Analysis in Big Data | Big Data |
JAVA | Durable and Energy Efficient In-Memory Frequent Pattern Mining | Data Mining |
JAVA | A Feature Selection and Classification Algorithm Based on Randomized Extraction of Model Populations | Data Mining |
JAVA | Secure and Efficient Protocol for Route Optimization in PMIPv6-based Smart Home IOT Networks | Internet of Things |
JAVA | Collaborative Filtering Service Recommendation Based on a Novel Similarity Computation Method | Data Mining |
JAVA | A New Methodology for Mining Frequent Itemsets on Temporal Data | Data Mining |
JAVA | A Collaborative DDoS Defence Framework using Network Function Virtualization | Networking |
JAVA | Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Secure k-NN Query on Encrypted Cloud Data with Multiple Keys | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Secure Authentication in Cloud Big Data with Hierarchical Attribute Authorization Structure | Big Data |
JAVA | RAPARE: A Generic Strategy for Cold-Start Rating Prediction Problem | Data Mining |
JAVA | Analyzing Sentiments in One Go: A Supervised Joint Topic Modeling Approach | Data Mining |
JAVA | System to Recommend the Best Place to Live Based on Wellness State of the User Employing | Big Data |
JAVA | Privacy-Preserving Data Encryption Strategy for Big Data in Mobile Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Online Allocation of Virtual Machines in a Distributed Cloud | Networking |
JAVA | Efficient Top-k Dominating Computation on Massive Data | Big Data |
JAVA | Big Data Based Security Analytics for Protecting Virtualized Infrastructures in Cloud Computing | Big Data |
JAVA | Disease Prediction by Machine Learning over Big Data from Healthcare Communities | Big Data |
JAVA | A Novel Internet of Things-centric Framework to Mine Malicious Frequent Patterns | Internet of Things |
JAVA | Machine Learning with Big Data: Challenges and Approaches | Big Data |
JAVA | EHAUPM: Efficient High Average-Utility Pattern Mining with Tighter Upper-Bounds | Data Mining |
JAVA | Analyzing Healthcare Big Data with Predictionfor Future Health Condition | Big Data |
JAVA | Repair Tree: Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure-Coded Distributed Storage Systems | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | User Vitality Ranking and Prediction in Social Networking Services: a Dynamic Network Perspective | Data Mining |
JAVA | A Hybrid Intelligent System for Risk Assessment based on Unstructured Data | Data Mining |
JAVA | A Context-aware Service Evaluation Approach over Big Data for Cloud Applications | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Analysis of users behaviour in structured e-commerce websites | Data Mining |
JAVA | Robust Big Data Analytics for Electricity Price Forecasting in the Smart Grid | Big Data |
JAVA | GDVAN: A New Greedy Behavior Attack Detection Algorithm For VANETs | Networking |
JAVA | Efficient Keyword-Aware RepresentativeTravel Route Recommendation | Data Mining |
JAVA | Dengue Disease Prediction Using Decision Tree and Support Vector Machine | Data Mining |
JAVA | iShuffle: Improving Hadoop Performance with Shuffle-on-Write | Big Data |
JAVA | Supervised and Unsupervised Aspect Category Detection for Sentiment Analysis With Co-Occurrence Data | Data Mining |
JAVA | Optimizing Share Size in Efficient and Robust Secret Sharing Scheme | Big Data |
JAVA | Privacy protection based access control scheme in cloud-based services | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Quality of Service Oriented Access Point Selection Framework for Large Wi-Fi | Networking |
JAVA | Mobile Cloud-Based Big Healthcare Data Processing in Smart Cities | Internet of Things |
JAVA | Efficient and Private Scoring of Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines and Logistic Regression Models based on Pre-Computation | Dependable Secure Computing |
JAVA | STAR: SLA-Aware Autonomic Management of Cloud Resources | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Cost-effective Resource Provisioning for MapReduce in a Cloud | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Customer-Satisfaction-Aware Optimal Multiserver Configuration for Profit Maximization in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Rethinking Security in the Era of Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Survey on classification and detection of plant leaf disease in agriculture environment | Data Mining |
JAVA | FastGeo: Efficient Geometric Range Queries on Encrypted Spatial Data | Dependable Secure Computing |
JAVA | Cryptographic Solutions for Credibility and Liability Issues of Genomic Data | Dependable Secure Computing |
JAVA | Modeling the Evolution of Users’ Preferences and Social Links in Social Networ king Ser vices | Data Mining |
JAVA | Enhancing Mobile Networks With Software Defined Networking and Cloud Computing | Networking |
JAVA | Towards Long-View Computing Load Balancing in Cluster Storage Systems | Parallel and Distributed System |
JAVA | Big data privacy in Biomedical research | Big Data |
JAVA | Aggregated Packet Transmission in Duty-Cycled WSNs: Modeling and Performance Evaluation | Networking |
JAVA | Privacy-Preserving Aggregate Queries for Optimal Location Selection | Dependable Secure Computing |
JAVA | Securing Cloud Data Under Key Exposure | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Finding Related Forum Posts through Content Similarity over Intention-based Segmentation | Data Mining |
JAVA | Practical Privacy-Preserving MapReduce Based K-means Clustering over Large-scale Dataset | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Context-Aware Verifiable Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Energy-Efficient Virtual Resource Dynamic Integration Method in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Mining Human Activity Patterns From Smart Home Big Data for Health Care Applications | Big Data |
JAVA | Large-scale Location Prediction for Web Pages | Data Mining |
JAVA | A Hybrid Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Scheduling and Resource Management in Cloud Environment | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Multi-view Unsupervised Feature Selection with Adaptive Similarity and View Weight | Data Mining |
JAVA | STaRS: Simulating Taxi Ride Sharing at Scale | Big Data |
JAVA | QoS Recommendation in Cloud Services | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Uncertain Data Clustering in Distributed Peer-to-Peer Networks | Networking |
JAVA | Credit Card Fraud Detection: A Realistic Modeling and a Novel Learning Strategy | Data Mining |
JAVA | Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Equality Test in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Toward Practical Privacy-Preserving Frequent Itemset Mining on Encrypted Cloud Data | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | An Adaptive and Fuzzy Resource Management Approach in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Earthquake Prediction based on Spatio-Temporal Data Mining: An LSTM Network Approach | Data Mining |
JAVA | A SDN-based QoS Guaranteed Technique for Cloud Applications | Networking |
JAVA | Modeling Urban Behavior by Mining Geotagged Social Data | Big Data |
JAVA | Multi-Owner Keyword Search over Shared Data without Secure Channels in the Cloud | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | VOD-ADAC: Anonymous Distributed Fine-Grained Access Control Protocol with Verifiable Outsourced Decryption in Public Cloud | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Privacy-Preserving Selective Aggregation of Online User Behavior Data | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Energy Optimization With Dynamic Task Scheduling Mobile Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Energy-Aware Load Balancing and Application Scaling for the Cloud Ecosystem | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Apriori Versions Based on MapReduce for Mining Frequent Patterns on Big Data | Big Data |
JAVA | Managing Big data using Hadoop Map Reduce in Telecom Domain | Big Data |
JAVA | Achieving Efficient and Secure DataAcquisition for Cloud-supported Internet of Things in Smart Grid | Internet of Things |
JAVA | Flexible Data Access Control based on Trust and Reputation in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | ATOM: Efficient Tracking, Monitoring, and Orchestration of Cloud Resources | Parallel and Distributed System |
JAVA | Wind Turbine Accidents: A Data Mining Study | Data Mining |
JAVA | Discovery and Clinical Decision Support for Personalized Healthcare | Data Mining |
JAVA | Data Mining and Analytics in the Process Industry: The Role of Machine Learning | Data Mining |
JAVA | A Pareto-based Genetic Algorithm for Optimized Assignment of VM Requests on a Cloud Brokering Environment | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | A Security Model for Preserving the Privacy of Medical Big Data in a Healthcare Cloud Using a Fog Computing Facility with Pairing-Based Cryptography | Big Data |
JAVA | An Efficient Parallel Method for Mining Frequent Closed Sequential Patterns | Data Mining |
JAVA | Real-Time Signal Quality-Aware ECG Telemetry System for IoT-Based Health Care Monitoring | Internet of Things |
JAVA | Target-Based, Privacy Preserving, and Incremental Association Rule Mining | Data Mining |
JAVA | Attribute Couplet Attacks and Privacy Preservation in Social Networks | Networking |
JAVA | ACID: association correction for imbalanced data in GWAS | Data Mining |
JAVA | Complementary Aspect-based Opinion Mining | Data Mining |
JAVA | Achieving Secure and Efficient Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption over Medical Cloud Data | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Power Consumption-Aware Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Data Center | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Event Detection and User Interest Discovering in Social Media Data Streams | Data Mining |
JAVA | Sports Management system | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Detecting Stress Based on Social Interactions in Social Networks | Data Mining |
JAVA | Mining Coherent Topics with Pre-learned Interest | Data Mining |
JAVA | Energy-Efficient Many-Objective Virtual Machine Placement Optimization in a Cloud Computing Environment | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Time saving protocol for data accessing in cloud computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | A Novel Continuous Blood Pressure Estimation Approach Based on Data M ining Techniques | Data Mining |
JAVA | HappyMeter: An Automated System for Real-Time Twitter Sentiment Analysis | Data Mining |
JAVA | Verifiable and Exculpable Outsourced Attribute-Based Encryption for Access Control in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Optimized Resource Allo cation On Hybrid Cloud Network For Big Data Applications Using Statistical Analysis | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Stochastic Resource Provisioning for Containerized Multi-Tier Web Services in Clouds | Parallel and Distributed System |
JAVA | Mutual Privacy Preservingk-Means Clustering in Social Participatory Sensing | Big Data |
JAVA | Joint Optimal Pricing and Task Scheduling in Mobile Cloud Computing Systems | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | Distantly Supervised Lifelong Learning for Large-Scale Social Media Sentiment Analysis | Data Mining |
JAVA | An Analysis of Healthcare Monitoring Environment Using Elliptic | Cloud Computing |
JAVA | An Efficient QoS Support for Ubiquitous Networks | Networking |
JAVA | Efficient High Utility Pattern Mining for Establishing Manufacturing Plans with Sliding Window Control | Data Mining |
JAVA | Live VM Mig ra tion Under Time-Constraints in Share-Nothing IaaS-Clouds | Cloud Computing |
Language/ | Titles | Domain |
Matlab | A Region-Wised Medium Transmission Based Image De-hazing Method | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Deep Representation-Based Feature Extraction and Recovering for Finger-Vein Verification | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Affine Non-Local Means Image Denoising | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Fast Bilateral Filtering for Denoising Large 3D Images | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Fast Multiregion Image Segmentation Using Statistical Active Contours | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Semisupervised Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Small Sample Sizes | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Low-PAPR Spatial Modulation for SC-FDMA | Wireless Communication |
Matlab | Ship Detection From Optical Satellite Images Based on Saliency Segmentation and Structure-LBP Feature | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Space Codes for MIMO Optical Wireless Communications: Error Performance Criterion and Code Construction | Wireless Communication |
Matlab | Driver Fatigue Classification With Independent Component by Entropy Rate Bound Minimization Analysis in an EEG-Based System | Signal Processing |
Matlab | Melanoma Is Skin Deep: A 3D Reconstruction Technique for Computerized Dermoscopic Skin Lesion Classification | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | An Efficient Precoder Design for Multiuser MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks With Interference Constraints | Wireless Communication |
Matlab | A Multi-Classifier System for Automatic Mitosis Detection in Breast Histopathology Images Using Deep Belief Networks | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Design Space–Time Trellis-Coded Intercarrier Interference Parallel Cancelation | Wireless Communication |
Matlab | Random Walk Graph Laplacian-Based Smoothness Prior for Soft Decoding of JPEG Images | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Image Fusion Using Quaternion Wavelet Transform and Multiple Features | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Scene Text Detection and Segmentation Based on Cascaded Convolution Neural Networks | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Learning Short Binary Codes for Large-scale Image Retrieval | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Automated Diagnosis of Epilepsy using Keypoint Based Local Binary Pattern of EEG Signals | Signal Processing |
Matlab | Learning Bases of Activity for Facial Expression Recognition | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Learning Spatio-Temporal Information for Multi-Object Tracking | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | A Robust and Efficient Approach to License Plate Detection | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Illumination-Invariant Background Subtraction: Comparative Review, Models, and Prospects | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | A Novel Color Image Encryption Scheme Using Rectangular Transform-Enhanced Chaotic Tent Maps | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Learning Discriminative Binary Codes for Large-scale Cross-modal Retrieval | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Coverage Performance of Joint Transmission for Moving Relay Enabled Cellular Networks in Dense Urban Scenarios | Wireless Communication |
Matlab | Fast Optic Disc Segmentation inRetina Using Polar Transform | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Soft Biometrics: Globally Coherent Solutions for Hair Segmentation and Style Recognition Based on Hierarchical MRFs | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Generalized 3-D Constellation Design for Spatial Modulation | Wireless Communication |
Matlab | Weighted Level Set Evolution Based on Local Edge Features for Medical Image Segmentation | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation With Probabilistic Segmentation of the Fissures and a Group wise Fissure Prior | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Video Saliency Detection via Spatial-Temporal Fusion and Low-rank Coherency Diffusion | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Medical Image Fusion and Denoising with Alternating Sequential Filter and Adaptive Fractional Order Total Variation | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Salient Object Segmentation via Effective Integration of Saliency and Objectness | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Independent Vector Analysis Applied to Remove Muscle Artifacts in EEG Data | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Real-Time Classification of Healthy and Apnea Subjects using ECG Signals with Variational Mode Decomposition | Signal Processing |
Matlab | Contrast Enhancement Based on Intrinsic Image Decomposition | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Life-Threatening Ventricular Arrhythmia Detection With Personalized Features | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Ocular Recognition for Blinking Eyes | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Achieving Ultra Reliable Communication in 5G Networks: A Dependability Perspective Availability Analysis in the Space Domain | Wireless Communication |
Matlab | Image Reshaping for Efficient Compression of Plenoptic Content | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Automatic Detection of Exudates in Digital Color Fundus Images Using Superpixel | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Photo-to-Sketch Transformation in a Complex Background | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Local Directional Ternary Pattern for Facial Expression Recognition | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Learning-based Shadow Recognition and Removal from Monochromatic Natural Images | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Max-Min Fair Resource Allocation for SWIPT in Multi-Group Multicast OFDM Systems | Wireless Communication |
Matlab | Learning Efficient Binary Codes from High-level Feature representations for Multi-Label Image Retrieval | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | An Efficient and Clinical-Oriented 3D Liver Segmentation Method | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Heterogeneous Manifold Ranking for Image Retrieval | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Saliency-based Lesion Segmentation via Background Detection in Dermoscopic Images | Digital Image Processing |
Matlab | Physical Layer Security in Ultra-Dense Networks | Wireless Communication |
Language | Titles | Domain |
Android | Automobile Spare Shop | Android |
Android | SuperMarket Control System | Android |
Android | My Memoir (Android App) | Android |
Android | Travel Guide(Android App) | Android |
Android | Vehicle Service Remainder | Android |
Android | Enthusiastic Tale Reader | Android |
Android | Pay EB bill (Android app) | Android |
Android | Civil Registry (Android App) | Android |
Android | Identifying Leaf Disease with the Comparison of Local Server in Android | Android |
Language | Titles | Domain |
Dot Net | Cluster-Aware Virtual Machine Collaborative Migration in Media Cloud | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | A Novel Efficient Remote Data Possession Checking Protocol in Cloud Storage | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Sentiment Analyis of Indian Movie Review with Various Feature Selection Techniques | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Efficient Distance-Aware Influence Maximization in Geo-Social Networks | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Finding related forum posts through context similarity over intention based segmentation | Data Mining |
Dot Net | User-Centric Similarity Search | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Multi receiver Predicate Encryption For OnlineSocial Networks | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Optimizing Cloud-Service Performance: Efficient Resource Provisioning via Optimal Workload Allocation | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Bilevel Feature Extraction-Based Text Mining for Fault Diagnosis of Railway Systems | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Large-Scale Multi-Modality Attribute Reduction with Multi-Kernel Fuzzy Rough Sets | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Practical Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Retrieval in Cloud Image Repositories | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | RAAC: Robust and Auditable Access Control With Multiple Attribute Authorities for Public Cloud Storage | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Engagement dynamics and sensitivity analysis of YouTube videos | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Card based Security Access System | Application Project |
Dot Net | Attribute-Based Storage Supporting Secure Deduplication of Encrypted Data in Cloud | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Repair Tree: Fast Repair for Single Failure in Erasure-coded Distributed Storage Systems | Parallel and Distributed System |
Dot Net | STAR: SLA-aware Autonomic Management of Cloud Resources | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Visualizing Rank Time Series of Wikipedia Top-Viewed Pages | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Anomaly Detection for Road Traffic: A Visual Analytics Framework | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Privacy-Preserving Aggregate Queries for Optimal Location Selection | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Context aware verifiable cloud computing | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Equality Test in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Modeling the Evolution of Users’ Preferences and Social Links in Social Networking Services | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Efficient Clue-Based Route Search on Road Networks | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Customer-Satisfaction-Aware Optimal Multiserver Configuration for Profit Maximization in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Strong Key-Exposure Resilient Auditing for Secure Cloud Storage | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Modeling Urban Behavior by Mining Geotagged Social Data | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Multi-Owner Keyword Search over Shared Data without Secure Channels in the Cloud | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | A Load Balancing and Multi-tenancy Oriented Data Center Virtualization Framework | Parallel and Distributed System |
Dot Net | Cryptographic Solutions for Credibility and Liability Issues of Genomic Data | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Achieving Secure and Efficient Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption over Medical Cloud Data | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | A Collaborative DDoS Defence Framework using Network Function Virtualization | Networking |
Dot Net | Shadow Attacks based on Password Reuses: A Quantitative Empirical Analysis | Dependable Secure Computing |
Dot Net | Stochastic Resource Provisioning for Containerized Multi-Tier Web Services in Clouds | Parallel and Distributed System |
Dot Net | Collaborative Filtering-Based Recommendation of Online Social Voting | Data Mining |
Dot Net | Wormhole: The Hidden Virus Propagation Power of a Search Engine in Social Networks | Dependable Secure Computing |
Dot Net | Block Design-based Key Agreement for Group Data Sharing in Cloud Computing | Cloud Computing |
Dot Net | Providing User Security Guarantees in Public Infrastructure Clouds | Cloud Computing |
Language | Titles | Domain |
ASP .Net | Airticket Booking System | Application Project |
ASP .Net | Tour Maintenance System | Application Project |
ASP .Net | Keyword Search over Distributed Graphs With compressed Signature | Data Mining |
ASP .Net | SMS based Student & Parent Intimation | Application Project |
ASP .Net | Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Top-k Similarity Search Over Encrypted Data | Cloud Computing |
ASP .Net | Provably Secure Key-Aggregate Cryptosystems with Broadcast Aggregate Keys for Online Data Sharing on the Cloud | Cloud Computing |
ASP .Net | Detecting Stress Based on Social Interactions in Social Networks | Data Mining |
ASP .Net | Continuous Top-k Monitoring on Document Streams | Data Mining |
ASP .Net | NPP:A New Privacy-Aware Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud Data Sharing with Group Users | Cloud Computing |
Language | Titles | Domain |
VLSI | High-Throughput Area-Efficient Processor for Cryptography | VLSI |
VLSI | A CMOS Ultra wideband Pulse Generator for 3–5 GHz Applications | VLSI |
VLSI | A Power-Efficient Reconfigurable Output-Capacitor-Less Low-Drop-Out Regulator for Low-Power Analog Sensing Front-End | VLSI |
VLSI | Analysis and Design of the Classical CMOSSchmitt Trigger in Subthreshold Operation | VLSI |
VLSI | 28-nm Latch-Type Sense Amplifier Modification for Coupling Suppression | VLSI |
VLSI | Low-Computing-Load, High-Parallelism Detection ethod based on Chebyshev Iteration for Massive MIMO Systems with VLSI Architecture | VLSI |
VLSI | Novel Radiation-Hardened-by-Design (RHBD)12T Memory Cell for Aerospace Applicationsin Nanoscale CMOS Technology | VLSI |
VLSI | VLSI Implementation of a Cost-Efficient Micro Control Unit With an Asymmetric Encryption for Wireless Body Sensor Networks | VLSI |
VLSI | Ultra-Low Power, Highly Reliable, and Nonvolatile Hybrid MTJ/CMOS Based Full-Adder for Future VLSI Design | VLSI |
VLSI | Reliability Enhancement of Low-Power Sequential Circuits Using Reconfigurable Pulsed Latches | VLSI |
VLSI | Area and Energy-Efficient Complementary Dual-Modular Redundancy Dynamic Memory for Space Applications | VLSI |
VLSI | Dual-Quality 4:2 Compressors for Utilizing inDynamic Accuracy Configurable Multipliers | VLSI |
VLSI | Intelligent FPGA Data Acquisition Framework | VLSI |
VLSI | Design of Power and Area Efficient Approximate Multipliers | VLSI |
VLSI | RoBA Multiplier: A Rounding-Based Approximate Multiplier for High-Speed yet Energy-Efficient Digital Signal Processing | VLSI |
VLSI | A Compact-Area Low-VDDmin 6T SRAM With Improvement in Cell Stability, Read Speed, and Write Margin Using a Dual-Split-Control-Assist Scheme | VLSI |
VLSI | Stable, Reliable and Bit-Interleaving 12T SRAM forSpace Applications: A Device Circuit Co-design | VLSI |
VLSI | Pre-Charged Local Bit-Line Sharing SRAM Architecture for Near-Threshold Operation Language: CMOS Design |
VLSI | 10T SRAM Using Half-VDD Precharge and Row-Wise Dynamically Powered Read Port for Low Switching Power and Ultralow RBL Leakage | VLSI |
VLSI | Content Addressable Memory—Early Predict and Terminate Precharge of Match-Line | VLSI |
VLSI | Modeling and Mitigation of Static Noise Margin Variation in Subthreshold SRAM Cells | VLSI |
VLSI | An Efficient Reverse Converter for the Three-Moduli Set (2n+1-1,2n,2n-1) | VLSI |
VLSI | Designing RF Ring Oscillator using Current-mode Technology | VLSI |
VLSI | A Low-Energy Machine-Learning Classifier Based on Clocked Comparators for Direct Inference on Analog Sensors | VLSI |
VLSI | A 32 kb 0.35–1.2 V, 50 MHz–2.5 GHz Bit-Interleaved SRAM With 8 T SRAM Cell and Data Dependent Write Assist in 28-nm UTBB-FDSOI CMOS | VLSI |
VLSI | Single-Event Performance of Sense-Amplifier Based Flip-Flop Design in a 16-nm Bulk FinFET CMOS Process | VLSI |
VLSI | Design of Approximate Radix-4 Booth Multipliers for ErrorTolerant Computing | VLSI |
VLSI | Design of Low-Voltage High-Speed CML D-Latches in Nanometer CMOS Technologies | VLSI |
Language | Titles | Domain |
Power Electronics | High-Performance Quasi-Z-Source Series Resonant DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic Module Level Power Electronics Applications | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | A Current Control Scheme of Brushless DC Motors Driven by Four-Switch Three-Phase Inverters | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | Three-Phase Three-Level Flying Capacitors Split-Source Inverters: Analysis and Modulation | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | A Novel ZVS DC-DC Full-Bridge Converter with Hold-Up Time Operation | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | A Modular Multilevel DC-DC Converter Topology with a Wide Range of Output Voltage | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | Single-Phase Inverter with Energy Buffer and DC-DC Conversion Circuits | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | Non-linear Distortion Cancellation and Symbol-based Equalization in Satellite Forward Links | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | A Performance Investigation of a Four-Switch Three-Phase Inverter-Fed IM Drives at Low Speeds Using Fuzzy Logic and PI Controllers | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | Modeling and Resonance Control of Modular Three-Level Shunt Active Power Filter | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | Adaptive Current-Mode Control of a High Step-Up DC-DC Converter | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | A Highly Reliable and High-Efficiency Quasi Single-Stage Buck–Boost Inverter | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | Dual-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter With Fixed-Frequency PWM Control for Wide Input Applications | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | Switching Frequency Dynamic Control for DFIG Wind Turbine Performance Improvement Around Synchronous Speed | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | A Coordinated Control Approach for DC link and Rotor Crowbars to Improve Fault Ride-Through of DFIG-Based Wind Turbine | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | A Dual Series-Resonant DC-DC Converter | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | DC-Link Capacitor Current Ripple Reduction in DPWM based Back-to-back Converters | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | Nonisolated Wide Operation Range Three-Port Converters With Variable Structures | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | Frequency Control of DFIG based Wind Power Penetrated Power Systems Using Switching Angle Controller and AGC | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | A Dual Active Bridge Based Single Phase AC to DC Power Electronic Transformer With Advanced Features | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | A New Single-Phase Switched-Coupled-Inductor DC-AC Inverter for Photovoltaic Systems | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | Fully-Digital Blind Compensation of Non-Linear Distortions in Wideband Receivers | Power Electronics |
Power Electronics | A Three Level LC-Switching Based Voltage Boost NPC Inverter | Power Electronics |
Language | Titles | Domain |
PHP | Monitoring a Payment of College Fees System | Application Project |
PHP | Institute board Organisation | Application Project |
PHP | E-Voting System | Application Project |
Language | Titles | Domain |
Ns2 | Securing the Backpressure Algorithm for Wireless Networks | Mobile Computing |
Ns2 | ASRQ: Automatic Segment Repeat Request for IEEE 802.15.4-Based WBAN | Mobile Computing |
Ns2 | A Secure and Efficient ID-Based Aggregate Signature Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks | Wireless Sensor Network |
Ns2 | Research on Trust Sensing Based Secure Routing Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Network | Wireless Sensor Network |
Ns2 | Delay Analysis of Physical-Layer Key Generation in Dynamic Roadside-to-Vehicle Networks | Wireless Sensor Network |
Ns2 | Energy Efficient Multipath Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Using the Fitness Function | Mobile Computing |
Ns2 | Trust Management for Vehicular Networks:An Adversary-Oriented Overview | Wireless Sensor Network |
Ns2 | Secure Signature-Based Authenticated Key Establishment Scheme for Future IoT Applications | Wireless Sensor Network |
Ns2 | A Hybrid Approach for Efficient Privacy-Preserving Authentication in VANET | Wireless Sensor Network |
Ns2 | Capacity allocation mechanism based on differentiated QoS in 60 GHz radio-over- fiber local access network | Wireless Sensor Network |
Ns2 | Balanced Energy Consumption Based Adaptive Routing for IoT Enabling Underwater WSNs | Wireless Sensor Network |
Ns2 | SecureMAC: Securing Wireless Medium Access Control Against Insider Denial-of-Service Attacks | Wireless Sensor Network |